- Wang, Y., Rolls, E., Howard, N., Raskin, V., Kinsner, W., Murtagh, F., Bhavsar, V., Patel, S., Patel, D., Tsumoto, S., Shell, D. (2015). Cognitive Informatics: From Information Revolution to Intelligence Revolution. In preparation.
- Howard, N., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., Poria, S. (2015). Multiple Kernel Learning for Multimodal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis. International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines, December 15-17, 2015. Hangzhou, China. In preparation.
- Howard, N., Hussain, A., Cambria, E. (2016). Computational Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis. WCCI 2016 Special Session. Vancouver, Canada. In preparation.
- Jehel, L., Pradem, M., Simchowitz, Y., Robert, Y., Howard, N., Messiah, A. (2015). Prendre en Compte la Dimension Transculturelle Dans L’évaluation du Risque Suicidaire et du Psychotraumatisme. 7ème Congrès Français de Psychiatrie, 25 et 28 novembre 2015. Lille, France.
- Dunn, J., Heredia, J. B. D., Burke, M., Gandy, L., Kanareykin, S., Kapah, O., Taylor, M., Hines, D., Freieder, O., Grossman, D., Howard, N., Koppel, M., Morris, S., Ortony, A. & Argamon, S. (2014). Language-Independent Ensemble Approaches to Metaphor Identification. CGAHI 2014: AAAI Workshop on Cognitive Computing for Augmented Human Intelligence. Quebec, Canada.
- Howard, N., Jehel, L. & Arnal, R. (2014). Towards a Differential Diagnostic of PTSD Using Cognitive Computing Methods. International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing ICCI CC. London, UK: IEEE.
- Howard, N., Bergmann, J. & Fahlstrom, R. (2013). Exploring the Relationship Between Everyday Speech and Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease as Prerequisite Analysis for Tool Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Howard, N. (2013). Approach Towards a Natural Language Analysis for Diagnosing Mood Disorders and Comorbid Conditions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Howard, N. & Cambria, E. (2013). Intention awareness: improving upon situation awareness in human-centric environments. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 3;9, 1-17.
- Howard, N. (2013). The Twin Hypotheses: Brain Code and the Fundamental Code Unit: Towards Understanding the Computational Primitive Elements of Cortical Computing. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Howard, N., Pollock, R., Prinold, J., Sinha, J., Newham, D., Bergmann, J. (2013). Effect of Impairment on upper limb performance in an Ageing Population. The Human Computer Interaction International 2013 Conference (HCI) July 21-26, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Howard, N. (2013). Toward Understanding Analogical Mapping and Ideological Cataloguing in the Brain. Research Challenges in Information Science Series Conference (RCIS) May 29-31, 2013, Paris, France.
- Last, M., Assaf, D., Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., Argamon, S., Howard, N., Frieder, O., Koppel, M. (2013) Towards Metaphor Analysis for Natural Language Understanding. The 35th Annual Conference on Information Retrieval, March 24-27, 2013, Moscow, Russia.
- Bergmann, J., Howard, N. (2013). Design Considerations for a Wearable Sensor Network that Measures Accelerations during Water-Ski Jumping. IEEE Body Sensor Network Conference, May 6-9, 2013, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Howard, N., Rao, D., Fahlstrom, R. & Stein, J. (2013). The Fundamental Code Unit: A Framework for Biomarker Analysis. . The 2nd Neurological Biomarkers Conference at the 2013 Biomarker Summit. San Francisco, California.
- Howard, N. & Bergmann, J. (2012). Combining Computational Neuroscience and Body Sensor Networks to Investigate Alzheimer’s Disease. Organization for Computational Neurosciences, July 21-26, 2012, Atlanta/Decatur.
- Howard, N. (2012). Intention Awareness in Human-Machine Interaction Sensemaking in Joint Cognitive Systems. International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Science, June 26-28, 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, 293-299.
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