We are a highly interdisciplinary lab and work with many departments within the University of Oxford and internationally, throughout the academic community.
OxCNL staff includes Principal Investigators, Primary Researchers and Research Assistants.
Principal Investigators

Prof. Newton Howard
Dr. Howard is the Professor of Computational Neurosciences and Functional Neurosurgery at the University of Oxford, where he also Directs the Computational Neuroscience Lab. Dr. Howard is also the Director of the Synthetic Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, where he had served as the Founder and Director of the MIT Mind Machine Project from 2008 to 2012.
Dr. Howard is an active member of several research laboratories worldwide, including the Descartes Institute, the Brain Physics Group and INSERM, in Paris. He is the Founder of the Brain Sciences Foundation.
His work has contributed to more than 30 U.S. patents and over 40 publications in the areas of cognitive and computational theory, and has garnered him several awards and honors, including a nomination to the White House fellowship.

Prof. Tipu Aziz
Professor Aziz is the founder and head of functional neurosurgery at the University of Oxford. His work with primates has been central to confirming the subthalamic nucleus (and more recently the pedunculopontine nucleus) as a possible surgical target for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease. Oxford Functional Neurosurgery (OFN) is currently one of the busiest centres for such surgery in the UK and is very productive academically.
His research interests are the role of the upper brain stem in the control of movement, the clinical neurophysiology of movement disorders and neuropathic pain and autonomic responses to deep brain stimulation, use of MR and MEG imaging in functional neurosurgery.

Prof. Louis Jehel
Professor Jehel is the Head of Psychiatry and Psychotraumatology at the Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane. He is also a Professor of Psychiatry at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Martinique and has served as a board member of ESTSS.
Prof. Jehel is presently the President of the Société Française de Psychotraumatologie (AFORCUMP-SFP) and is an expert consultant to the national organization of rescue for trauma teams in France. He created the first university degree in Psychological Trauma and Psychotraumatology and actively works on sensitivity training and education regarding trauma among professional teams, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists and practitioners in primary care and emergency room best practice.

Prof. Bruno Falissard
Professor Falissard has been the Head of INSERM U669 (PSIGIAM, Paris Sud Innovation Group in Adolescents Mental Health), a lab comprising of 90 members, since 2005.
Prof. Falissard is a Professor in Public Health and Biostatistics at South Paris University and is the Head of Public Health at the Paul Brousse Hospital. He is also Statistical Advisor to the European Psychiatry Journal and is a past president of the scientific board of “Faculté de Médecine Paris-Sud”. Professor Falissard is a member of the scientific board of many foundations, as well as the board of the International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.

Prof. Erik Cambria
Professor Cambria is an Assistant Professor at NTU SCE, where he teaches and conducts research on natural language processing and information retrieval. His current affiliations include the Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab, A*STAR SIMTech, and the MIT Synthetic Intelligence Lab. Dr Cambria is an Associate Editor of many top AI journals, including IEEE CIM, Elsevier KBS, and Springer AIRE.
Professor Cambria is the Founder of SenticNet, Ltd and has been the recipient of several awards, including the Temasek Research Fellowship. He is involved in many international conferences as Workshop Organizer and is a Fellow of the Brain Sciences Foundation.

Prof. Amir Hussain
Dr. Hussain is a Professor of Cognitive Computing Science at the University of Stirling and a founding Director of the Cognitive Signal-Image Processing and Control Systems Research (COSIPRA) Laboratory. He has published 16 books, supervised more than 20 PhDs and is founding Editor-in-Chief of the Cognitive Computation Journal, the Big Data Analytics Journal, the Springer Book Series on Socio-Affective Computing, and SpringerBriefs in Cognitive Computation.
Dr. Hussain is also Associate Editor for the world’s leading IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks & Learning Systems and serves on the editorial board of a number of other leading journals and councils. He is founding co-Chair of the INNS Big Data Section and its annual INNS Conference on Big Data.
Primary Researchers

Laurie Pycroft
Mr. Pycroft founded a grass-roots activism group called Pro-Test in 2006, which engaged in advocacy for biomedical research on animals, supporting the construction of the Oxford University animal laboratory that was under construction at the time.
Since then, Mr. Pycroft has gone on to study Physiological Sciences at Balliol College, Oxford, finishing his degree in 2013. He is currently studying for a MSc in neuroscience with the intention of going on to a doctorate and undertaking academic neuroscience research.
As part of his work with Pro-Test, Mr. Pycroft participated in debates, delivered speeches, and wrote articles arguing in favour of animal research. Since then, he has also engaged in public debate on the topic of pharmacological enhancement of cognition.

Soujanya Poria
Soujanya Poria received his BEng in Computer Science from Jadavpur University, India, in 2013. In 2013, Soujanya received the best undergraduate thesis and researcher award from Jadavpur University. He was awarded Gold Plated Silver medal from the University and Tata Consultancy Service for his final year project during his undergraduate course.
Soon after, he joined Nanyang Technological University as a research engineer in the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and, later in 2015, he joined NTU Temasek Labs, where he is conducting research on sentiment analysis in multiple domains and different modalities. Since February 2014, Soujanya has also started his PhD studies at the University of Stirling (Computing Science and Mathematics).
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