Textbooks and Monographs

  1. Jehel L, Arnal R, Carmelo D, Howard N. (2016). Understanding Suicide: From Diagnosis to Personalized Treatment, Courtet P (ed).  Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-26282-6, Chapter 6: Suicidal Crisis in the Digital Age.
  2. Howard, N. (2015). Approach to Study the Brain: Towards the Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Disease, London, UK, Cambridge Scientific Publishing. ISBN 978-1-908106-49-0.
  3. Howard, N. (2015). The Brain Language, London, UK, Cambridge Scientific Publishing. ISBN 978-1-908106-50-6.
  4. Howard, N. (2014). Approach to Study the Brain: Towards the Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Disease, Oxford University, Bodleian Library.
  5. Hussain, A., Cambrai, E., Schuller, B., & Howard, N. (2014). Affective Neural Networks and Cognitive Learning Systems for Big Data Analysis. Neural Network, 58, 1-3.
  6. Howard, N., Argamon, S. (Eds.) (2009). Computational Methods For Counterterrorism. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


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