Conference Papers

  1. Wang, Y., Rolls, E., Howard, N., Raskin, V., Kinsner, W., Murtagh, F., Bhavsar, V., Patel, S., Patel, D., Tsumoto, S., Shell, D. (2015). Cognitive Informatics: From Information Revolution to Intelligence Revolution. In preparation.
  2. Howard, N., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., Poria, S. (2015). Multiple Kernel Learning for Multimodal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis. International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines, December 15-17, 2015. Hangzhou, China. In preparation.
  3. Howard, N., Hussain, A., Cambria, E. (2016). Computational Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis. WCCI 2016 Special Session. Vancouver, Canada. In preparation.
  4. Jehel, L., Pradem, M., Simchowitz, Y., Robert, Y., Howard, N., Messiah, A. (2015). Prendre en Compte la Dimension Transculturelle Dans L’évaluation du Risque Suicidaire et du Psychotraumatisme. 7ème Congrès Français de Psychiatrie, 25 et 28 novembre 2015. Lille, France.
  5. Dunn, J., Heredia, J. B. D., Burke, M., Gandy, L., Kanareykin, S., Kapah, O., Taylor, M., Hines, D., Freieder, O., Grossman, D., Howard, N., Koppel, M., Morris, S., Ortony, A. & Argamon, S. (2014). Language-Independent Ensemble Approaches to Metaphor Identification. CGAHI 2014: AAAI Workshop on Cognitive Computing for Augmented Human Intelligence. Quebec, Canada.
  6. Howard, N., Jehel, L. & Arnal, R. (2014). Towards a Differential Diagnostic of PTSD Using Cognitive Computing Methods. International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing ICCI CC. London, UK: IEEE.
  7. Howard, N., Bergmann, J. & Fahlstrom, R. (2013). Exploring the Relationship Between Everyday Speech and Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease as Prerequisite Analysis for Tool Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
  8. Howard, N. (2013). Approach Towards a Natural Language Analysis for Diagnosing Mood Disorders and Comorbid Conditions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
  9. Howard, N. & Cambria, E. (2013). Intention awareness: improving upon situation awareness in human-centric environments. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 3;9, 1-17.
  10. Howard, N. (2013). The Twin Hypotheses: Brain Code and the Fundamental Code Unit: Towards Understanding the Computational Primitive Elements of Cortical Computing. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, MICAI, November 24-30, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico.
  11. Howard, N., Pollock, R., Prinold, J., Sinha, J., Newham, D., Bergmann, J. (2013). Effect of Impairment on upper limb performance in an Ageing Population. The Human Computer Interaction International 2013 Conference (HCI) July 21-26, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  12. Howard, N. (2013). Toward Understanding Analogical Mapping and Ideological Cataloguing in the Brain. Research Challenges in Information Science Series Conference (RCIS) May 29-31, 2013, Paris, France.
  13. Last, M., Assaf, D., Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., Argamon, S., Howard, N., Frieder, O., Koppel, M. (2013) Towards Metaphor Analysis for Natural Language Understanding. The 35th Annual Conference on Information Retrieval, March 24-27, 2013, Moscow, Russia.
  1. Bergmann, J., Howard, N. (2013). Design Considerations for a Wearable Sensor Network that Measures Accelerations during Water-Ski Jumping. IEEE Body Sensor Network Conference, May 6-9, 2013, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  2. Howard, N., Rao, D., Fahlstrom, R. & Stein, J. (2013). The Fundamental Code Unit: A Framework for Biomarker Analysis. . The 2nd Neurological Biomarkers Conference at the 2013 Biomarker Summit. San Francisco, California.
  3. Howard, N. & Bergmann, J. (2012). Combining Computational Neuroscience and Body Sensor Networks to Investigate Alzheimer’s Disease. Organization for Computational Neurosciences, July 21-26, 2012, Atlanta/Decatur.
  4. Howard, N. (2012). Intention Awareness in Human-Machine Interaction Sensemaking in Joint Cognitive Systems. International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Science, June 26-28, 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, 293-299.


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