Be on the lookout for the upcoming publication, “A Common Framework for Multimodal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis.” This paper delves into research to effectively mine the emotion and sentiment from video content, which would have wide-ranging applications in this day and age.
Keep an Eye Out
Computational Neuroscience Laboratory - Oxford University
+44 (0) 1865 522820
Revolutionary Neuroscience Technique Slated for Human Clinical Trials
brian, , News, optogenetics, 0
A technique called optogenetics has transformed neuroscience during the past 10 years by allowing researchers to turn specific neurons...
Launch of the Big Data Analytics Journal
brian, , News, big data, big data analytics, 0
After years of planning and months of hard work, our own Professor Amir Hussain is officially launching the Big Data...
Growing Mini-Brains in Labs to Better Understand Neurological Disease
brian, , News, 0
Scientists from Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) in Vienna are underpinning the secrets behind the most fascinating human’s organ,...
Constructing Brain Taxonomy One Cell at a Time
brian, , neural mapping, News, 0
When looking at any problem, it’s important to understand its individual parts. When a problem is in brain function...
New brain surgery treats seizures in children
brian, , neurosurgery, News, 0
After eight years of study, a Children’s Hospital of Michigan neurosurgeon and his colleagues are using an endoscope to...
World Day for Suicide Prevention
brian, , News, suicide, 0
September 10th marks the day of this year’s World Day for Suicide Prevention. This year there will be...
The 7th International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM2016)
brian, , Events, News, 0
This year’s ELM conference will be held at the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore from December 13-15, 2016....
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