A big thank you to the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences for graciously welcoming Dr. Howard as the Director of the Computational Neuroscience Laboratory.
And So It Begins
Computational Neuroscience Laboratory - Oxford University
+44 (0) 1865 522820 newton.howard@nds.ox.ac.uk
Welcome Aboard Prof. Demiroglu
brian, , News, 0
I’m pleased to announce that Professor Cenk Demiroglu will be working with us in our neurodegenerative disease research, particularly on Alzheimer’s...
New brain surgery treats seizures in children
brian, , neurosurgery, News, 0
After eight years of study, a Children’s Hospital of Michigan neurosurgeon and his colleagues are using an endoscope to...
World Day for Suicide Prevention
brian, , News, suicide, 0
September 10th marks the day of this year’s World Day for Suicide Prevention. This year there will be...
Precision Optogenetics –
brian, , News, optogenetics, 0
The year 2015 marked the ten-year anniversary of the introduction of channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2) into neuroscience. ChR2 has proven...
Keep an Eye Out
brian, , News, 0
Be on the lookout for the upcoming publication, “A Common Framework for Multimodal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis.” This paper delves...
The 7th International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM2016)
brian, , Events, News, 0
This year’s ELM conference will be held at the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore from December 13-15, 2016....
Constructing Brain Taxonomy One Cell at a Time
brian, , neural mapping, News, 0
When looking at any problem, it’s important to understand its individual parts. When a problem is in brain function...
Launch of the Big Data Analytics Journal
brian, , News, big data, big data analytics, 0
After years of planning and months of hard work, our own Professor Amir Hussain is officially launching the Big Data...
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